Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cómo preparar entrevista remoción condiciones greencard

La entrevista para la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la tarjeta de residencia es un requisito fundamental para convertir en definitiva la green card provisional del cà ³nyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense. Cabe destacar que dicha entrevista solo es necesaria en aquellos casos en los que el migrante recibià ³ la tarjeta de residencia con carà ¡cter condicional porque se le aprobà ³ cuando llevaba casado con el ciudadano americano menos de 2 aà ±os.   Esta residencia tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de CR-1. En otras palabras, esto quiere decir que si los cà ³nyuges ya llevaban 2 aà ±os de casados cuando el esposo/o extranjero recibià ³ la residencia, dicha green card fue ya definitiva y no es necesario hacer este trà ¡mite. Entrevista remocià ³n condiciones de green card Solo los cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos estadounidenses que recibieron su green card antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casados deben solicitar la remocià ³n de condiciones para convertir su tarjeta de residencia en definitiva.La entrevista a los cà ³nyuges por parte de un oficial migratorio es una pieza fundamental en el proceso de remocià ³n de dichas condiciones. La finalidad es convencer al oficial de que se trata de un matrimonio real y no de uno de conveniencia por los papeles.Si la pareja ya se ha divorciado o se ha separado las opciones para que el cà ³nyuge extranjero obtenga la green card definitiva se reducen notablemente, pero hay algunas posibilidades.  ¿Cà ³mo se inicia la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la green card? Debe solicitarse la remocià ³n de las condiciones 90 dà ­as antes de que expire la green card condicional, que tiene fecha de expiracià ³n de dos aà ±os a contar desde la fecha de su aprobacià ³n. Para ello el trà ¡mite se inicia completando la planilla I-751. Durante este proceso una de las piezas fundamentales es la entrevista ante un oficial migratorio y a la que deben acudir ambos cà ³nyuges.  ¿Quà © se puede hacer si la fecha de la cita para la entrevista resulta inconveniente? En determinadas circunstancias, Inmigracià ³n puede admitir un cambio en la fecha. Estas son las reglas sobre cà ³mo solicitarlo si no se puede acudir a la cita con el USCIS.  ¿Cuà ¡nto dura la entrevista para la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio? La entrevista por parte de un oficial de inmigracià ³n al matrimonio formado por un ciudadano/a americano/a y su esposo o mujer extranjero dura, de media, de diez a quince minutos. Se debe responder de manera concisa a las preguntas. Es altamente recomendable no hablar de asuntos sobre los que no se ha preguntado, entre otras cosas, para evitar problemas por hablar en exceso. Si el oficial  de inmigracià ³n necesita una aclaracià ³n o mà ¡s datos, asà ­ lo dirà ¡.  ¿Hay algà ºn tipo de preguntas està ¡ndar para la entrevista para la green card por matrimonio? En realidad, no existe un listado de preguntas està ¡ndar, aunque siempre se pregunta por la fecha de la à ºltima entrada a Estados Unidos por parte del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Asimismo, son tà ­picas las preguntas sobre dà ³nde se conocieron, el nombre de los hermanos de ambos y ciertas cosas personales, sin entrar en la intimidad de la pareja ni tampoco asuntos rebuscados. Tambià ©n pueden preguntar sobre el hogar familiar, las familias respectivas, etc. Este es un ejemplo de 65 preguntas que pueden hacer en la entrevista, pero el oficial migratorio puede preguntar cualquier cosa que estime pertinente y que le sirva para determinar si se trata de un matrimonio de buena fe.  ¿Quà © documentacià ³n debe llevarse a la entrevista? Para ingresar al edificio donde tendrà ¡ lugar la entrevista es necesario llevar un I.D. oficial emitido por el gobierno. En el caso del ciudadano estadounidense puede ser la licencia de manejar, pasaporte, identificacià ³n militar, etc. En el caso del cà ³nyuge extranjero se admite su pasaporte, aunque està © expirado. Ademà ¡s, es necesario llevar el original de toda la documentacià ³n de la que se envià ³ fotocopia cuando se realizà ³ la aplicacià ³n. El fin es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n pueda comparar el original con la copia. Asimismo, debe llevarse original y fotocopia)de documentos que no existà ­an en el momento en el que se envià ³ la solicitud de tarjeta de residencia para el cà ³nyuge extranjero. Por ejemplo, ya que se trata de un matrimonio, puede suceder que hayan sido padres de un nià ±o o una nià ±a despuà ©s de la solicitud. Entonces debe llevarse copia oficial del acta de nacimiento y fotocopia de la misma. Tambià ©n deben llevarse al dà ­a la documentacià ³n sobre pago de impuestos, ingresos, etc. Asimismo, llevar fotocopias en color de las fotografà ­as de la pareja colocadas en grupos de dos o tres en una misma hoja, seà ±alando los nombres de los que aparecen en las mismas, fecha en la que fueron tomadas y lugar. Es muy recomendable que alguna de ellas tenga como objeto reuniones familiares. Se puede llevar el à ¡lbum de bodas, pero no hay que fotocopiarlo.  ¿Quà © puede suceder tras la entrevista? Es posible que se notifique justo despuà ©s de la entrevista que ha tenido lugar la remocià ³n de ls condiciones, pero es mà ¡s comà ºn es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n decida notificar por correo. Tambià ©n puede ocurrir que se solicite mà ¡s documentacià ³n. En este caso entregarà ¡ a la pareja una hoja con el listado de documentos que faltan y el plazo mà ¡ximo para enviarlos. Para evitar problemas es recomendable enviarlos por correo certificado en la que quede constancia de la fecha. Y por supuesto que el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede negar la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia porque cree que puede tratarse de un fraude, en otras palabras, un matrimonio falso para conseguir los papeles. En este caso, puede haber consecuencias legales, ademà ¡s de no obtener la green card.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando la pareja se separa antes de la entrevista? Por razones varias, el matrimonio puede separarse o divorciarse antes de que la tarjeta de residencia se convierta en definitiva. En la mayorà ­a de los casos eso significarà ¡ que el migrante se quedarà ¡ sin la tarjeta de residencia y deberà ¡ abandonar Estados Unidos a menos que cuenta con otra cobertura legal que le permita mantener un estatus migratorio legal en el paà ­s. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que en determinadas ocasiones hay opciones para el cà ³nyuge extranjero para que pueda obtener una tarjeta de residencia definitiva. a pesar del divorcio, si se cumplen una serie de requisitos. A tener en cuenta: ventajas e inconvenientes de matrimonio con ciudadano Los cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos americanos pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n a los tres aà ±os de convertirse en residentes permanentes. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con el resto de los inmigrantes, que deben esperar cinco aà ±os. Por otro lado, casarse con un estadounidense no garantiza ni parar un procedimiento de deportacià ³n ni que se pueda sacar  la green card. La situacià ³n es complicada en los casos en los que el cà ³nyuge extranjero ingresà ³ a EE.UU. cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. Tambià ©n tienen un problema serio los migrantes que han sido condenados por alguna felonà ­a. En estos casos, lo recomendable es asesorarse con un buen abogado migratorio y ver si se podrà ­a calificar para un perdà ³n provisional o, si no es posible, cuà ¡les son las posibles opciones. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Developing A Learning Tool Help A Student Learn Maths

U08096 Interim Report 29th November 2016 Henry Moule 13017539 Supervisor – Samia Kamal Developing a learning tool to encourage education in a stem subject Introduction The aim for this project as has been mentioned is to develop a learning tool to encourage education in a stem subject, I narrowed this down to developing a game that would help a student learn maths specifically. Since then I have narrowed this further and have specified that this would be for around the academic year 7 so around the age of 11 but would still be appropriate for 10 or 12 year olds. To achieve this aim the objectives will be for one to train in game development as well doing research to help establish the game mechanics or gamification elements wanted in the game. Research Literature review: A Practitioner’s Guide to Gamification of Education Hsin-Yuan Huang, W. and Soman, D. (2013). A Practitioner’s Guide to Gamification of Education. Research Report Series. As with a lot of articles on the subject of gamification this paper states that â€Å"the intent of this report is to define gamification, deconstruct the process of gamifying a learning a learning program, explore the limitations, and review successful implementations of gamification†. In section 2 â€Å"What is Gamification† the paper gives the example of gamification in action, it talks about an initiative put forward by Volkswagen where a staircase was put in the Odenplan sub-way in Stockholm which would play a musicalShow MoreRelatedUsing Technology As An Instructional Tool1424 Words   |  6 Pageschild does not learn the way I teach, I must teach the way he/she learns,† Jacquie McTaggart used in her title of a book written for teachers by a teacher. A quote in which every teacher should value. It is easy to force a student to listen, but it is not easy to force a student to understand. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chiquita Banana Overview Essay Example For Students

Chiquita Banana Overview Essay Chiquita Brands International. Inc. is one of the most of import international sellers and distributers of nutrient merchandises derived from bananas. every bit good as other fruits and healthy bite merchandises. Chiquita Banana grosss for about $ 3 billion dollars a twelvemonth and employs more than 21. 000 people and operates in approximately 70 states worldwide. Chiquita Banana together with Dole. Del Monte and Fyffes control about 80 % of the planetary banana market. In 1993 the EU created the Common Organization of the Market in Bananas ( COMB ) to cover with the rough competition between these companies. They would let responsibility free entree to the EU but capable to quotas to bananas from the Africa’s. Caribbean and Pacific. while bananas from Latin America were capable to an import revenue enhancement of 176 Euros per ton and a quota of 2533 t. As an American company we have decided to take advantage of the new pact curtailing Latin American and ACP states from expo rting bananas to the EU. It will non be an easy undertaking because we still have to vie against European banana manufacturers. but we are an established company and we are determined to profit from this event and addition market portion in the European Union. PESTEL analysis for the European Union POLITICAL:†¢The European Union is composed of 28 member provinces.†¢The EU has created a individual market by standardising Torahs within the member provinces.†¢Some of the aims of making this brotherhood is to make a better flow on the circulation of goods. capital. people and services within the brotherhood. Once a good or service is accepted within the brotherhood it is protected from imposts. revenue enhancements and import quotas every bit long as they remain within the brotherhood.†¢Free motion of capital is intended to let investing of belongingss between states. something that could assist banana agriculturists since they can look for more fertile land in neighbouring states.†¢The pecuniary policy is the Eurozone and is governed by the European Central Bank. ECONOMIC:†¢The European Union’s GDP is ranked as figure one in the universe accounting for $ 16. 58 trillion dollars.†¢Export goods account for $ 1. 687 trillion. some of the chief export spouses of the European brotherhood are: oUS 17. 3 % China 8. 5 %Switzerland 7. 9 %Russia 7. 3 %Turkey 4. 5 %†¢Food. drinks and baccy history for 5. 9 %†¢Import of goods account for $ 2. 302 trillion dollars and the chief import spouses are:China 16. 2 %Russia 11. 9 %US 11. 5 %Switzerland 5. 8 %Norway 5. 6 %†¢Food. drinks and baccy history for 5. 2 % of import goods.†¢The service sector is the most of import one in the EU doing up 69 % of the GDP followed by the fabrication industry with 28. 4 % GDP and agribusiness for merely 2. 3 % of GDP†¢The agricultural sector is supported by subsidies from the EU and presently represents 40-50 % of the EU’s entire disbursement. Sociocultural Factors:†¢There is limited informations on European children’s fruit consumption. but the information shows that the mean fruit consumption is about 141 g per twenty-four hours. Fruit consumption is highest in Austria and Portugal and is the lowest in Iceland and Spain.†¢Girls and adult females consume more fruits and veggies and male childs and work forces do. there is no simple account to this but it’s believed to be because adult females in general are more concerned about their weight and maintaining a slender fit figure.†¢Children tend to eat less fruit as they age. but it’s the exact opposite with grownups. Intake degrees addition with age. perchance because income and cognition additions and one becomes more cognizant of the benefits of good feeding wonts. †¢Men once they are married have an addition in fruit consumption. Women seem to hold an impact on their husband’s fruit consumption every bit good as the assortm ent of fruits eaten. Womans tend to manage ‘health-related’ issues more normally than work forces so they tend to purchase and cook more nutrient than work forces.†¢Children’s fruit consumption degrees straight correlate with how much their parents devour. But force per unit area to eat fruit does non positively affect children’s intake. but it is enhanced when parents are good role-models and promote them to eat fruits and veggies.†¢People with self-efficacy inclinations have a higher fruit consumption in grownups. besides people with a high self-esteem tend to eat more fruits and veggies because they take their wellness into history. TECHNOLOGICAL: †¢The EU is funding a undertaking for pesticide free fruits and veggies by taking the menace of fruit flies. Helping husbandmans meet customers’ demands for safe fruits while being environmentally witting. oThe undertaking make-believe to utilize an insect attractant to pull insects and pathogens such as: infective microorganisms. virus. fungus that cause diseases in fungus. oThis attractant will be applied in the signifier of an insect trap near plantations to take bugs off from plantations. this will be a durable and biodegradable baiting station. †¢Europe is going more witting about keeping a cleansing agent environment. the EU is committed to supplying a better hereafter for the following coevalss. So they specialize on clean energy. from turbines in Germany to solar panels in Spain. and states across the EU are utilizing natural resources of sustainable energy conveying investing to concerns and citizens. LEGAL:†¢With the birth of the Single European Market in 1993 the Common Market Organization for Bananas was put into consequence ( COMB ) . COMB is concerned on the importing. sale and distribution of bananas. †¢A policy was set in gesture leting EU providers to export responsibility free bananas to all EU provinces. Besides quotas were set for African. Caribbean and Pacific states ( ACP ) enforcing import licences for a fixed rate of volume of bananas. and limited imports through overly high duties. oA quota of 857. 000 dozenss for responsibility free entree from ACP states †¢Three types of licences were issued in order to modulate this quota to ACP states †¢Third states that were non considered in the quota are capable to a duty of Ecu 850 per ton. †¢In order to forestall any loss of income by EU banana manufacturers a compensation of payments for 850. 000 dozenss were granted in instance the monetary values fell below the production costs. ENVIRONMENTAL: †¢Flat-free H2O coursers are common in some states in Europe. This does non promote efficient behaviour to families and agribusiness harmonizing to a study from the European Environment Agency ( EEA ) . †¢The EEA is sing H2O pricing in the undermentioned states: Croatia. England and Waless. France. Germany. Netherlands. Scotland. Serbia. Slovenia and Spain. †¢In most states. husbandmans are allowed to utilize as much H2O as they want for a level rate. By bear downing the sum of H2O used in Europe it prognosticated to cut down on H2O used by agribusiness for about 10 – 20 % . This will force husbandmans to non merely cut down on their H2O ingestion but to put on better irrigation system every bit good as repairing H2O leaks. †¢The general population in the European Union seem to back up this gesture to cut down H2O overexploitation. about 84 % of the population agree with this rule. Paper Persuasive EssayEven though spirit and consistence remain virtually integral. this ocean trip shortens the shelf life to be 7-10 yearss. Portugal would be a strategic point for the company’s internationalisation scheme. A logistics platform could be set up in Porto. a northern metropolis in Portugal. this manner we can kill two birds with one stone. We re-fuel the ships and acquire them cook for their journey to Sweden ( our top precedence in footings of distribution ) and unload some containers to administer Portugal’s banana demand. Aside from Portugal the states with the highest ingestion of bananas per capita is in Northern Europe. so another logistic platform would be convenient as a concluding halt before the concluding finish in each state. Le Havre. France would be a convenient location since it is south of the UK and it is cheaper to hold a distribution centre at that place because the euro is non every bit strong as the sterling lb. Once we have our lo gistics platform set up in Le Havre we can do adjustments and understandings with companies and retail merchants that handle fruits and veggies belonging to the states that have the highest banana ingestion. We would present to the undermentioned terminus or ports: †¢Gothenburg. Sweden†¢Brighton. United kingdom†¢Skagen. Denmark†¢Finland is a little more unaccessible through the Baltic Sea. so we would transport Finland’s required bananas to Gothenburg. Sweden every bit good. From Sweden we could work another logistic path to acquire to Finland by truck.†¢Porto. Portugal †¢Le Havre. FranceOpportunity:Iceland is Europe’s top manufacturer of bananas with their universe of the art nursery installings. even though they rely on their engineering they have to invariably supervise their merchandises and make the proper environment for the bananas. This is where Chiquita banana has an chance since they don’t have to worry about making the right conditions for banana growing. the company looks for a convenient location for banana growing and workss the fruit. This enables the company to worry entirely on cropping and transportation. Another advantage that the company has over the biggest European banana manufacturer is that. Chiquita banana can get bananas in monolithic measures while Iceland’s manufacturers have to make the environment to turn more bananas. This is unless the COMB sets a tighter quota. IncotermAn incoterm is a made up word composed of three words. ‘in’ means international. ‘co’ commercialism and ‘term’ agencies term. Incoterms are used to depict the type of relationship between purchaser and provider and they type of contract they use to present and have a merchandise. POSSIBLE INCOTERMS FOR THE COMPANY As a marketer the most optimum incoterm for the company would be to hold with the purchaser of working with ‘Ex Works’ since the purchaser would hold to presume the transit costs and the hazards of brining the goods to their shops. I believe this to be really one sided and non efficient. since in order to maximise net incomes a concern trade has to be long-run. Sooner or subsequently one of the viing trade names could offer our purchasers a better understanding and we would be out of concern. so I would name this a ‘lose-lose situation’ . Another option would be the exact antonym from ‘Ex works’ where the marketer mantains most of the duties and disbursals while there is minimal for the buyere. This would be a DDP. here the â€Å"seller is responsible for presenting the goods to the named topographic point in the state of the purchaser. and pas all costs in conveying the goods to the finish including import responsibilities and revenue enhancem ents. Seller is non responsible for droping. † this is besides really one sided. My belief is that if we are traveling to hold a long lasting relationship with our concern spouse we have to compromise. and here we would be taking all most of the bourden of the concern trade. Solution As already stated earlier. in order to make a long lasting relationship with our concern spouses and maximise net incomes we have to compromize. Chiquita Banana is seeking to derive marketshare in Europe. so the best thing we can make with our concern spouses is to portion the transit load and costs. Deliverd at Terminal ( DAT ) incoterm would be the best feasible solution for Chiquita and our purchasers. We can assure to present the merchandise fresh. safe and sound to the undermentioned metropolis ports: Gothenburg. Brighton. Skagen. Porto and Le Havre. We can accept all costs and hazards ( except for import clearance costs ) and from each terminus they can direct the bananas to their several distribution centres or straight to the retail merchants. That is up to our concern spouses to make up ones mind. It is safe to state that we are taking most of the costs. since it is expensive to traverse the Atlantic with ships and keep the fruit at a certain temperature to maintain it fresh . But in order to hold our purchasers support. we have to travel the excess stat mi. This scheme at the same clip will rush up the procedure of internationalisation and market portion addition for Chiquita Banana. Plants Cited â€Å"European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Economy of the European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 18Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Economy of the European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Intelligent Approaches to Achieving Pesticide-free Produce. † N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"CHAPTER 3 BANANA IMPORTING COUNTRIES AND TRADE POLICIES. † The World Banana Economy. 1985-2002. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Water: Charging Full Cost Can Promote More Efficient Use. † — . N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Chiquita. com – Chiquita Organic Bananas: Organic Food. † Chiquita. com – Chiquita Organic Bananas: Organic Food. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Europe Largest Banana Importer Worldwide. † Europe Largest Banana Importer Worldwide. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Chiquita. com – Social Responsibility Is How We Conduct Business. † Chiquita. com – Social Responsibility Is How We Conduct Business. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Chiquita Banana Gross saless Remain Weak in Europe. † Chiquita Banana Gross saless Remain Weak in Europe. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Chiquita Brands International. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Banana. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Martin Stott. † Iceland: Europe’s Biggest Producer of Bananas. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Economy of the European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Understanding Hymns Essay Example For Students

Understanding Hymns Essay After viewing the video by Dr. Schmalbach, which dealt with the Theology of the Hymnals, I have come to discover how Hymns play an intricate part in how we as Christians are taught our doctrines in what we sing. The church that my family and I attended sung very little hymnals. Consequently, as a result of this, I have very little knowledge of how important hymnals are in a worship service. Dr. Schmalbach did a wonderful job explaining and defining the importance of Hymnals in a worship services. The one thing that Dr. Schmalbach said in the video that stuck out to me and stained my memory, was when he said, â€Å"Our doctrine or theology is taught and learned through what we sing†. Wow what a mouthful. We will write a custom essay on Understanding Hymns specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I believe that it is very necessary for hymnals to be sung in churches worldwide; especially, if they serve as tools by which we can learn our doctrine and theology. This brings me to the hymn from The Psalter, 1912 which was taken from the book of Psalms 119:33-40 â€Å"Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth†. After studying Psalms 119:33-40 which correlates with this particular Hymn, I have come to relieved the gist and the message of both the Hymn and the Psalm. They both express a magnificent love for the written word of God. I believe that the author realizes how important the word of God is, as it relates to his spiritual maturity. The written Word of God gives us promises, truth, guidance, teaching, reproof, and righteousness. In the Hymn theses very same things are being offered. The author also conveys to us that the Word of God is something that we as Christians can totally rely on especially when we need to be comforted, protected, and guided even in the affaires of life. The bible says, â€Å"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God†. Matt. 4:4 KJV) This is the same message that I received when reading this Hymn. As Christians we should seek after God’s word more than anything else on this earth. The word of God should always have precedence over the life of a believer, and nothing should ever take the place of God’s written word. Grudem said, in his book Systematic Theology â€Å" In fact if there were no written Word of God, we could not gain certainty about God’s will through other means such as conscience, advice from others, an internal witness of the Holy Spirit, changed circumstances, and the use of sanctified reasoning and common sense† (Grudem p. 19) Nonetheless, as we can see God’s word brings certainty and with out it we can never fully know or understand God’s divine will for our lives. In conclusion Horton states, â€Å"all Scripture is God-breathed and therefore useful for norming the church’s faith and practice†. (Horton p. 175) I thank God for blessing humanity with the opportunity to know His written word, which has been inspired by God from the beginning; if we say we love God then we should always be compel to love His Word, for within it is our salvation revealed. â€Å"Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth† The Psalter, 1912 (Taken From Psalms 119-33-40) Teach me Lord your way of truth, and from it I will not depart That I may steadfastly obey; Give me an understanding heart. In your commandments make me walk, for in your law my joy shall be: Give me a heart that loves your will, from discontent and envy free. Turn now my eyes from vanity, and cause me in your ways to tread: .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .postImageUrl , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:hover , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:visited , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:active { border:0!important; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:active , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Musics affect on our brains EssayO let your servant prove your Word, and thus godly fear be led. Turn away my reproach and fear, Your righteous judgments I confess. To know your precepts I desire; revive me in your righteousness.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Monopolies - A Case Study Essays - Economic Systems, Free Essays

Monopolies - A Case Study Essays - Economic Systems, Free Essays Monopolies - A Case Study John Velimirovic Monopolization And Its Implication On A World Scale The monopolization of the capitalist system is at the base, a degradation, not only of the "free-competition" of the capitalistic (bourgeoises) socio-economic order, it is also, the degradation of the working class and, in fact, the respective systems imminent demise. During the Cold War competition between potential monopolist nations, USA, France, Germany, England and Canada was highly minimized and co-operation was (ironically) encouraged to counter the Soviet threat. Today, with the fall of the pseudo-socialist states in the Eastern block and the subsequent degeneration of such states in Asia, cooperation has been deemed unnecessary and a general neo-imperialistic takeover, a rat race if the reader will bear with me, has been instigated. However, it must be understood before the reader continues, the process unravelling before our eyes today, this disaster, is not a recent occurrence. Some economists and political analysts have dated its"birth" to the start of the Russo-Japanese war and the industrialization of the African colonies (imperialism). This being the case, though imperialism is primarily considered a political phenomenon by bourgeoises economists, socialists have cooked deeper into the matter and "unveiled" the economic character of imperialism and it's apparent contradictions (this will be dealt with later, as well as an overview of the historic contradictions, economic intricacies and ethical realities of imperialism. It should also be stated, that the term monopoly, "monopolization" will be dealt with from the left-wing point of view, as "imperialism"). The two prevalent schools of economic thought, the left wing (socialist) and the right wing (libertarian, "laissez fare" capitalists ...), have entirely different view on the matter of monopolization of capital. While the socialist, especially those of the Marxist persuasion (to which the author belongs), claim that the monopolization of capital is the most significant event in the history of capitalism since robotics, the bourgeoises economist refuse to recognize (foolishly), that a change in economic structure has even occurred! The contemporary bourgeoises media refers to the world market and it's expansion. This term is so overused and under analysed that these pseud-master, have managed to use it as a veil, as a euphemism to downplay the historical change, brought about by the fall of the eastern block and the subsequent degeneration of the Asian "peoples' republics". The "expanding world market"or the "world market",on its own, has always existed and expanded to new markets, so the above terms , when applied to the monopolization of the world market by the imperialist nations (see above), is an example of false terminology. The Domestic Consolidation of Capitalist Monopolies The international hegemony of the imperialist nation is impossible on such a grand scale, without the consolidation of the monopolization of capital, within the respective nation itself. The monopolization of capital in a single nation is, even though an important transformation, hardly baffling occurrence. It is, in essence, the domination of a single company (monopoly) or of many companies (oligarchies) over their respective competitions. At such a position, these companies wreck havoc on the market. They enter into special agreements (though they are in theory competitors) to artificially "jack-up" prices and inflate their profit margin at the expense of the consumer. An essential part of the functioning of what leftists term imperialism is the role of the banks without which the monopolization of capital is impossible and anachronistic. The principal role of banks is to serve as middlemen in the making of payments. By managing is such activities, they transform inactive money capital into profit yielding capital as well as placing numerous money revenues at the disposal of the capitalists. As a result, the banks grow, becoming monopolies themselves, obtaining at their disposal not only the profits of the capitalists, but the bulk of their capital as well. Through this process, the powerful banks "take after" the smaller ones and the market is left with a handful of superbanks having at their disposal the wealth of the whole nation. They enter into agreements to self interest rates and government policies basked on the way these banks function. This is incredibly detrimental because the general well being of the nation is confined and restricted to the demands of the money-making process. As a result over 95%of the population who does not control

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Write a Business Case Study

How to Write a Business Case Study How to Write a Business Case Study A Business case study may be defined as a documented piece of research based on and devoted to a specific business, company, or policy situation. Composing an effective and powerful business case study one needs to be very knowledgeable in the business sphere they had selected and possess the overall understanding and skills of case study writing. A good case study is, in a way, like a detective story – you will need to make the audience solve the puzzle set in your paper. This commands a clear understanding of the subject and the process as a whole. The paper composition process may be defined as â€Å"step-by-step†. The stages of the business case study composing may be described as follows: Pre-writing stage: Search of the facts and information – This process demands scrupulousness and attention. You may visit your campus or public library, surf the Internet, etc. Analysis of combined data – Once the information has been received you need to systematically analyze it. This will give you â€Å"food† for further research and serve as the basis for the entire business case study. Writing stage: You will need to express any result received during the previous procedures in black and white. In addition, do not forget to include the so-called â€Å"hook† in the introduction. This will help you focus the audience’s attention on your research. Post-writing stage: Receiving at least minimal feedback – Ask your colleagues, professors, or parents to read your case study. They will express their general impressions and give clues to parts of the case study needing changes or improvement. Editing and proofreading – This should be aimed at maximum error correction and adjustment of the case study to high standards of writing. This stage is the last but not the least. Sometimes an author gets so tired when he/she reaches the end of an investigation that there is no time or energy left to complete thorough proofreading and editing. Still, omitting these processes may result in a low quality paper and a low tutors evaluation. Finally, while carrying out all the procedures connected with the research, you are to bear in mind the timeframe for completion. Try to carve out some time for consultations with your scientific advisor and additional time for proofreading the paper. It is generally believed that learning-centered case studies are the most efficient ones. Therefore, try to compose your business case study in accordance with the highest standards possible. Additionally, you can get professional Business case study help for money, from professional academic writers at .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Application of concept Analysis to Clinical Practice Essay

Application of concept Analysis to Clinical Practice - Essay Example Teamwork is considered a major facilitator for effective communication in various clinical settings. However, the meaning and nature of teamwork requires an in-depth research for effective translation of the concept into practice. As healthcare systems are regarded as organizations, teamwork helps to create more adaptive and productive working environments facilitating positive and cost-effective outcomes. Healthcare institutions throughout the world advocate the need for development of effective healthcare teams. Many researchers have even warned that lack of teamwork amongst healthcare individuals can lead to unsafe patient care practices. Better communication and understanding among healthcare professionals may reduce medication errors and effect patient outcomes positively. The lack of conceptual clarity with regards to actual representation of the concept is one of the major hindrances in clinical practice. ... thod as a concept may imply number of meanings in different contexts and it is important for clarification of concept to be explored according to its unique context. As the understanding of teamwork concept was merely addressed in healthcare theories, the authors compared their findings with theories from organizational theory literature. In first two steps of the process, the concept of team work was identified and purpose of the analysis was established. The study aimed at providing useful definition for the concept within healthcare, which also has implications for future research. Along from nursing, other literature was also searched to prevent biasness of opinion. Various databases including, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts were searched for terms ‘team working’, ‘teamwork’, ‘team’ and ‘team working’ to screen titles. Existing definitions for the concept were also deeply researched from liter ature published in the last few decades. In the next step, the uses of the concept were identified. It is critical to note here that though the concept should be examined across different disciplines, but complete explorations can sometimes also render the results impractical. For instance, in human resource management, teamwork increases the expertise and skills of the employees. Learning capabilities are nourished and enhanced through team work in educational settings. In healthcare, team work reduces medical errors to a greater extent improving patient outcomes. Multiple definitions for ‘Team’ and ‘Work’ were both combined and separately sought and analyzed from various English as well as medical dictionaries for better understanding of the combined term. Some attributes of teamwork were also determined in the next

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 43

Reflection - Essay Example This is particularly so in the sense that the film lacks formal play and obstacles. On the other hand, the Antichrist clarifies the fact that von Trier is not as renowned as he appears to be. This is majorly because some years back he came up with a film that involved Satan creating the world, but his idea eventually melted away. Definitely, certain elements of the film had characteristic forest-like creatures that made the movie both weird and scary. When it comes to the movie The Ballet Dancer  (1911), Jean seduces Camilla when she comes to sing in soirà ©e. Surprisingly, jean is having another affair with another man’s wife. Fundamentally, the whole scene is commenced by Simon, who is a major character in the film. Since the mirror lies in the upper part of the frame Camilla manages to get out of the frame before coming to the center of the shooting area. After a short while, the hostel leaves the frame before Camilla follows with a song. From a distance in the mirror, one can easily notice Jean extending a kiss to the hostess. It is evident that Lars Von’s desire to create films is unending and he continues to produce even more films including leading the Dogme 95 movement. Currently, he wants to find more about the shooting of his films and the viewership in terms of the level of enjoyment. Perhaps this will help him identify and improve on the imperfections so that his films are unrivalled in the entertainment and film industry. For instance, Lars Von makes great improvement in the movie the Boss of It All. He does this by incorporating a control technique that gives his camera anew dimension. This technique is known as automavision and has worked perfectly well so far. Additionally, Von Trier uses theatrical technique when it comes to engaging with the viewers. This is especially so in that the use of backdrops and transparent scenery is very common in the movie. This

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Science an Technology as Engines of Economic Growth ad Development Essay Example for Free

Science an Technology as Engines of Economic Growth ad Development Essay Social Consequences of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution brought many changes to western civilization. Two of the most significant social consequences of the Industrial Revolution are urban crowding and worker safety. Migration of workers to urban areas, where factory work was available, was a major contributor of over-crowding in these areas. This gave rise to increasing crime rates, housing, and sanitation issues (Zonderman, 1992 ). Unemployment was high and there was no job security. Injured workers were replaced without compensation. With the Industrial Revolution, child labor was common, as machines simplified the work and it was cheaper to pay children. Injury rates among factory workers were high. Small hands were easily caught in the machines. In the early 1830’s legislations were put in place to protect the workers (Honeyman, 2008). These early factory laws were concerned with health, safety, working hours and working conditions. Factory conditions were regulated by the states and in1833 the Factory Act was passed (Honeyman, 2008). The Industrial Revolution and Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system in which means of production are owned by individuals or private companies, who invest money to make a profit. Capitalism focuses on the free market with little or no governmental regulations. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, agriculture was the primary means of support and people worked within their homes (Zonderman, 1992 ). With the event of the Industrial Revolution society changed to one of commodities and production and the need to make individual profit. Machines gave rise to increased productivity and reduced the need for skilled or  specialized laborers (Zonderman, 1992 ). The ability to produce goods on a large scale allowed for these goods to be sold for less. Individuals or companies with money could invest in newer technologist, finding faster and cheaper ways to produce goods. This destroyed small, local businesses, forcing them to seek employment as factory workers. With more people seeking employment, and no minimum wage, laborers were paid cheaper wages. Child labor was prevalent and work conditions deplorable. There were no equal or fair compensation for these workers. All profits were kept by these individuals and companies increasing their wealth. Capitalism and Communism. Communism focuses on the division of wealth as a community, sharing profits and losses. The goal of the communist theory, is equality among all members of society. The communist theory was born to counteract the abuses of the capitalist society, advocating for workers’ rights (Hands, 2011). Karl Marx believed that capitalism was just the latest form of exploitation in a long list of tyrannical rule (Hands, 2011). Marx ideal society, based on the communist theory, would see the disappearance of class structure, equal rights for men, women, and children, equal and adequate housing for everyone, with everyone working for the benefit of each other. Differences between Capitalist and Communist Philosophies. The capitalist society promotes individual gains and give rise to a class system. Individuals own the means of production and invest their capital to make a profit for themselves. These profits are not shared with the working class who help to make the profits. The communist theory, on the other hand, promotes community properties and equality for all. Businesses and properties would be government owned and everyone share equally in the profits and losses. Benefits are based on individual needs (Hands, 2011). The capitalist philosophy gives rise to a distinct class system, where the elites are the rulers (they own the wealth, therefore they make the rules). The wealthy investors had access to the best schools, housing and medical attention as they could afford to pay for the services. In the communist philosophy, the class system would disappear. Everyone work for the good of the community and enjoy equal, good quality housing, education, and medical  care. References Hands, G. (2011). Understanding Marx . London, GBR: Hodder Education. Honeyman, K. (2008). Book Cover Child Workers in England, 1780-1820 : Parish Apprenticeship and the Making of the Early Industrial Labour Force. Abingdon, Oxon, GBR : Ashgate Publishing Group . Zonderman, D. A. ( 1992 ). Book Cover Aspirations and Anxieties : New England Workers and the Mechanized Factory System, 1815-1850. Cary, NC, USA : Oxford University Press .

Friday, November 15, 2019

Henr Fayol & Management Essay -- essays research papers

The work of Taylor and Fayol is essentially complementary. They both realized that the problem of HR and their management at all levels is the key to business success. Both applied scientific method to this problem. Taylor worked primarily on the operative level, from the bottom of the organizational hierarchy upward. Fayol concentrated on the Managing Director (his term) and worked downward. Unlike Taylor, Fayol's work reflects a tension between his recognition that managers are not supermen and yet employees should not be allowed enough autonomy and responsibility to solve second-order problems (problems for which there are no precedents, or previous exemplary solutions). Additionally, Fayol's work provides much more insights into the intellectual underpinnings of the approach. On the division of labor (9, 13): The most important ability of the worker is "technical" (physical) ability. As one goes up the organization ladder, the relative importance of managerial ability increases, while that of technical ability decreases. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, coordinate and to control (p. 6). General Principles of Management 1. Division of work. Specialization belongs to the natural order (a religious belief!?). Management should pursue standardization of work. The object of work is to produce more and better with the same effort. The worker always on the same part, the manager concerned always with the same matters, acquire an ability, sureness, and accuracy which increase their output. 2. Authority and responsibility. The good manager should have official authority deriving from office and personal authority, compounded of intelligence, experience, moral worth, ability to lead, past services, etc. Responsibility is a corollary of authority, it is its natural consequence and essential counterpart, and where authority is exercised responsibility arises. 3. Discipline. Discipline is obedience, application, energy, behavior, and respect. Discipline is absolutely essential for the smooth running of business and without discipline no enterprise could prosper. When a defect in discipline is apparent or when relations between superiors and subordinates leave much to be desired, responsibility for this must not be cast heedlessly, and without going further afield, on the poor state of the team, because the ill mostly results... ...the combination of kindliness and justice (as defined by!?). 12. Stability of tenure of personnel. It seems that the whole idea of job security is really geared toward stabilizing management. Generally, the managerial personnel of prosperous firms is stable, that of unsuccessful ones is unstable. However, he does mention employment stability re "employees." Time is required for an employee to get used to new work and succeed in doing it well. If when he has got used to it, or before then, he is removed, he will not have time to render worthwhile service. (Interestingly, there is no mention of such "soft" elements as commitment, moral, and satisfaction.) 13. Initiative. Thinking out a plan and ensuring its success is one of the keenest satisfaction for an intelligent man to experience. It is also one of the most powerful stimulants of human endeavor. Hence, it is essential to encourage and develop this capacity to the full. 14. Esprit de corps. Harmony, union among the personnel of a concern, is great strength in that concern. Effort, then, should be made to establish it (this seems to mean, making sure that front-line employees buy into his managerial system).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Advanced Network Management Essay

Short for remote monitoring, RMON is a network management protocol that allows network information to be gathered at a single workstation. The RMON has been specially designed to help network manager to understand the operation of the network as a whole and as an individual devices (switches, routers, hosts,) and how its affect its mode of operation. RMON provides network administrators with more freedom in selecting network-monitoring probes and consoles with features that meet their particular networking needs. RMON was defined by the user community with the help of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It became a proposed standard in 1992 as RFC 1271 (for Ethernet) and then became a draft standard in 1995 as RFC 1757, effectively obsoleting RFC 1271. The RMON standard was developed in order to resolve issues that other management protocols were not able to handle it properly and can be supported by hardware monitoring devices (known as â€Å"probes†) or through softw are or some kind of combination. â€Å"For example, any vendor LAN switches includes software in each switch that can trap information as traffic flows through and record it in its MIB. A software agent can gather the information for presentation to the network administrator with a graphical user interface. A number of vendors provide products with various kinds of RMON support. RMON collects nine kinds of information, including packets sent, bytes sent, packets dropped, statistics by host, by conversations between two sets of addresses, and certain kinds of events that have occurred, alarms, history, statistics and much more. A network administrator can find out how much bandwidth or traffic each user is imposing on the network and what Web sites are being accessed. Alarms can be set in order to be aware of impending problems†. (Rouse, 2010) An RMON probe can sometimes be management appliance software or could be in the device that is managed. They can also reside near monitored network elements. The probe analyzes RMON information such as traffic and alarms. RMON probes delegate certain tasks such as collecting statistics, periodic polling, subscribing to certain notifications, and generating threshold-crossing alerts through specific configuration of MIBs. Some advantages of utilizing RMON probes are that they reduce SNMP traffic as well as reduce t he processing load of the clients. They also use periodic polling instead of continual polling which also reduces processes. (Clemm, 2007) References * Clemm, A. Network Management Fundamentals Edition 1 (1st ed). Pearson Learning Solutions. Retrieved from * Waldbusser, S. ((2000, May)2000, May). Rfc 2819. Retrieved from * Rouse, M. ((2010, November)2010, November). Rmon (remote network monitoring). Retrieved from * Javvin. (n.d.). Rmon: remote monitoring mibs (rmon1 and rmon2). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Robert Browning Portray’s Mood in ‘the Laboratory’.

‘The Laboratory’ Essay The subtitle to Robert Browning's poem â€Å"The Laboratory†, â€Å"Ancien Regime†, tells us that it is set in France before the revolution, when the act of women poisoning love rivals was very common. The poem is a dramatic monologue. The narrator appears to be a woman, a fact which is not apparent in the opening stanza, but becomes so as the poem develops. In the first stanza, the narrator is putting on a mask and watching the person in the laboratory through a haze of smoke: ‘thro' these faint smokes curling whitely'.She shows her naivety whilst putting on the mask, as she thinks she is protecting herself, and doesn’t think it can harm her. This shows us that she doesn’t think of the consequences of her actions. The narrator refers to the laboratory as ‘this devil's-smithy', which is the first sign that something sinister is going on. The final line of this stanza leaves us in no doubt of this, as the woma n asks, ‘Which is the poison to poison her, prithee? ‘ The repetition of ‘poison' emphasises its importance.The opening phrase of the second stanza, ‘He is with her,' suggests that the narrator has asked for poison to be concocted because she is jealous. It would seem that her lover has deserted her for another woman. She says that they think she is crying and has gone to pray in ‘the drear / Empty church'. The couple, meanwhile, are making fun of her, stressed by the repetition of ‘laugh' in line 7. The stanza closes with the brief phrase ‘I am here', emphasising the setting of the laboratory which is in such sharp contrast to the church.The phrase ‘Grind away' at the start of the third stanza shows the woman's eagerness for the chemist to make the poison. Browning brings the description alive by using alliteration in the phrases ‘moisten and mash' and ‘Pound at thy powder'. The narrator is not in a hurry and says she woul d rather watch the concocting of the poison than be dancing at the King's court. In the fourth stanza the narrator comments on the ingredients of the poison.The chemist is mixing it with a pestle and mortar, and the woman describes the gum from a tree as ‘gold oozings', giving the impression that it is both beautiful and valuable. She then looks at a blue liquid in a ‘soft phial', finding the colour ‘exquisite'. She imagines that it will taste sweet because of its beautiful appearance and is surprised that it is a poison. Stanza five begins with the narrator wishing she possessed all the ingredients, which she refers to as ‘treasures'. Browning uses ersonification to describe them as ‘a wild crowd', and the woman considers them as ‘pleasures', a sinister attitude to poisonous substances. The use of the adjective ‘invisible' means that just a tiny amount would be required. The narrator delights in the thought of being able to carry ‘pur e death' in any one of a list of small accessories, such as an earring or a fan-mount. In the sixth stanza the narrator turns her thoughts to how easy it will be at court to give ‘a mere lozenge', like a sweet, that will kill a woman in just half an hour.She names two women in this stanza, Pauline and Elise, and it is not clear if one of them is the current target of her jealousy and desire to murder. She delights at the thought of Elise dying, and Browning uses enjambment to create the list ‘her head / And her breast and her arms and her hands', perhaps because she is jealous of Elise's beauty. The seventh stanza opens with the sudden exclamation ‘Quick! ‘ and the narrator is now excited as the poison is ready. She then reveals her disappointment, however, as its colour is ‘grim', unlike the blue liquid in the phial.She hoped that it would make her intended victim's drink look so appetising that she would be encouraged to drink it. In the eighth stanza she is concerned about how tiny the amount of poison is: ‘What a drop! ‘ She says that the other woman is considerably bigger than her, and thinks that she ‘ensnared' or caught the man in her trap because of her size. The narrator is not convinced that the drop of poison will be fatal: ‘this never will free / The soul from those masculine eyes'. It will not be enough to stop the victim's pulse, which the narrator describes as ‘magnificent'.In the ninth stanza the narrator recounts, in lines using enjambment, how she had gazed at the other woman the previous evening when her ex-lover was with whispering to her. She had hoped that by staring at her she ‘would fall shrivelled'. This obviously did not happen, but the narrator knows that the poison will do its work. Stanza ten has slightly shorter lines than the others, and the narrator addresses the chemist directly. She knows that the poison will act quickly, but she does not want her victim to have an easy death: ‘Not that I bid you spare her the pain'.Browning uses alliteration in a cluster of three to describe how the narrator wants the other woman to suffer the effects of the poison, in the phrase ‘Brand, burn up, bite'. The stanza ends with the narrator commenting that her ex-lover will always have the memory of the pain on the dying woman's face, and she appears to relish this thought. The narrator asks the chemist if the poison is ready at the start of the eleventh stanza. She asks him to remove her mask and not to be ‘morose', or gloomy.The poison will be lethal for her victim, and she does not want the mask to stop her having a good look at it. She describes it with the alliterative phrase ‘a delicate droplet', and alliteration appears again as she comments ‘my whole fortune's fee! ‘ meaning that it has cost her everything she owns. In the closing line of the stanza, she wonders if she herself can be harmed by the poison, considerin g the effect it will have on her victim. The twelfth and final stanza begins with the narrator once again showing how much the poison is costing her.She tells the chemist ‘Now take all my jewels, gorge gold to your fill', and the alliteration in the phrase ‘gorge gold' adds emphasis. She shows her gratitude by telling the chemist, whom she addresses as ‘old man', that he may kiss her on her lips if he would like to. She asks him, however, to ‘brush this dust off' her, referring to traces of poison, as she is afraid it will harm her too: ‘lest horror it brings'. The poem ends as she proclaims that she will ‘dance at the King's! ‘ a triumphant announcement.Whether or not her victim dies from ingesting the poison, we do not know, but she shows no remorse and is obviously determined to go through with her murderous plan. Browning has given the lines of poetry an upbeat, fast-paced rhythm that convey the woman's excitement at the idea of poisonin g her victim. Browning has created a character who is totally ruthless and eaten up by jealousy, determined to carry out an act of revenge that will prove fatal to another woman, like Lady Macbeth’s ruthless ambition to become queen, despite the fact that she has to kill people to get to it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nazi Germany essays

Nazi Germany essays The most merciless and cruel party in the world, was under the role of Adolf Hitler, their violence remained a deep gash in the western world Nazism was originated in Germany in the early 1920s. It was the doctrines or practices of the Nazi party. Nazism was a shortened version of the tern National Socialism, denoting the doctrine and form of government of Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf as enunciated in his book Mein Kampf. The term was an abbreviation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German National Socialist Worker Party). National Socialist German Workers Party founded in 1919 on fascist principles and dominant from 1933 to 1945 in Germany. The party's principles were essentially antidemocratic and racist. Hitler borrowed considerably from the Italian Fascist and Soviet Communist Systems, but the Nazi pseudoscientific racist theories were original German contributions. In the past storm troopers and communists had contested the streets on fairly equal terms. Now, three days after the formation of Hitler's cabinet, communist meeting were banned in Prussia. To enforce such measures, there was a new and ominous agency. A minor department in the Berlin police, detailed to watch anticonstitutional activities, was put under Goring's command. As of April 26, 1933, this old Department IA of the Prussian political police was replaced by the Geheime Staatspolizei ("Secret State Police"), better known as the Gestapo. Within two years its actiones would be free from judicial review and it would take its place beside the SD (Sicherheitsdienst, or "Security Service") and the security branch of the SS in a sadistic competition to achieve the totalitarian Until this time Nazism was very much a function of communism the other side of the revolutionary coin. Now, within Germany, National Socialism stood alone. Communism was gone as a count...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Get a Law Education Online for Cheap

How to Get a Law Education Online for Cheap Would you like to earn an online law degree from the comfort of your own home? It’s not easy, but it is possible. Earning an online law degree poses several unique challenges. No online law school is accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA), and  49 states require that law school graduates earn a degree accredited by the ABA in order to take the bar exam needed to practice law. California is the one state that allows graduates from distance learning law schools to sit for the  bar exam, though the examinees must meet certain requirements. If you live in California, or if you’re willing to relocate, you may be able to become a practicing lawyer with an online law degree. Once youve worked as a lawyer for a few years, you may even be able to practice law in other states. Earning an Online Law Degree and Practicing Law in California In order to take the California Bar Exam, students must meet certain requirements set by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. There are seven steps to becoming an accredited lawyer. Complete your pre-legal education. Most law students have already completed a bachelor’s degree. California’s minimum requirement is that students complete at least two years of college-level work (60 semester credits) with a GPA equal to or above that required for graduation. Students can also demonstrate that they have the intellectual ability of a second-year college student by passing certain examinations accepted by the Committee.Complete your legal education. Online law students may sit for the California Bar Exam  once they have completed 864 hours of study for each year through a correspondence program that is registered with the Committee.  The Committee does not accredit online law schools; instead, it allows distance learning schools to register with the Committee if the schools meet certain requirements. Because the Committee won’t vouch for the quality of these programs, it is essential to thoroughly investigate any online law school before enrol ling. The State Bar of California provides a list of the schools currently registered with the Committee. Register as a law student. Before taking any examinations, online law students must register with the State Bar of California. This may be done online through the  Office of Admissions.Pass the First-Year Law Student’s Examination. Students must pass a four-hour test covering basic contracts, criminal law, and torts (concepts that are taught during a law student’s first year of study). The exam is administered in June and October of each year.Receive a positive moral character determination. All California lawyers must first prove that they have â€Å"good moral character† by undergoing an evaluation by  the Committee. You will be asked to provide information, fingerprints, and references. The Committee will talk to your former employers, your online law school, and will check for driving and criminal records. The entire process can take four to six months, so get an early start.Pass the Multi-State Professional Responsibility Examination. This two-hour-and-f ive-minute exam will test your understanding of appropriate lawyer conduct. You will answer sixty multiple-choice questions regarding representation, privilege, contempt, and related issues. The exam is offered three times a year. Pass the Bar Exam. Finally, after completing your online law degree and fulfilling the other requirements, you may take the California Bar Exam. The bar exam is offered in February and July of each year and includes three days of essay questions, multi-state components, and practical exercises. Once you pass the bar, you are eligible to practice law in California. Practicing Law in Other States Once you’ve used your online law degree to practice law in California for a few years, you may be able to work as a lawyer in other states. Many states will permit California lawyers to take their state bar exams after five to seven years of practicing law. Another option is to enroll in a Master of Law program accredited by the American Bar Association. Such programs take only one or two years to complete and will allow you to qualify to take the bar exam in other states. The Drawbacks of Earning an Online Law Degree Earning an online law degree can be an appealing option for professionals with existing work and family responsibilities. However, there are several drawbacks to studying law online. If you plan to practice law, you will probably be limited to working in California for several years. Additionally, law firms will know that your online law degree is not accredited by the American Bar Association. You should not expect to be a contender for the most prestigious, highest-paying jobs. If you choose to pursue an online law degree, do so with realistic expectations. Studying law online is not for everyone, but for the right person, it can be a worthwhile experience.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sex, Violence and Transgression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sex, Violence and Transgression - Essay Example On August 12, 2005, Jack Thompson, an American activist, filed a case in the Alabama court against Sony. Thompson claimed video games are promoting violence and it was due to such a video game which Moore had played endlessly which has compelled him to shoot the policemen. Devin Moore pleaded guilty saying that it the game ‘Grand Theft Auto (GTA)’ that caused him to kill those police officers and he was under the influence of that game. Grand Theft Auto is a video game wherein the player acts as a street mugger who steals cars. He attempts to overrun any pedestrian who comes in his way, liberates a criminal from the police station and runs off by shooting the policemen. The families of the victims argued that Moore replayed all that he had experienced as a player in the violent video game. Devin Moore was only 16 years old. At the time of his arrest, Moore is reported to have said: â€Å"Everybody has got to die.† This statement was later changed in 2004 in a court session to â€Å"Life is a video game. You’ve got to die sometimes.† What leads him to utter these words? More importantly, what made him change his statement? One of the reasons could be that he wanted everyone to believe that it was indeed the video game which was to be blamed and not him. Or maybe he was so mentally disturbed that he could fathom the consequences of changing his statement. As per Moore’s father, Moore had been a disturbed child right from childhood and had a record of taking drugs and being involved in crime. While Devin Moore said that he was under the trance of the game that he had completely lost the ability to differentiate between reality and the game. Also, his lawyer claimed that he was suffering from a dissociative order (Chalk, The Escapist, 2007). Moore appealed not guilty as he had developed a psychological defect by playing the game  for long hours and this deprived him of the sense to evaluate his own actions.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Gut microbiota in mammals Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gut microbiota in mammals - Term Paper Example The anatomy of the gut is designed to perform efficiently both of these functions. To enable nutrient uptake, many associated digestive glands and multiple folding of the inner lining ensure thorough digestion and rapid assimilation of the nutrients. The gut associated lymphoid tissue on the other hand ensures that the internal environment of gut remains devoid of harmful foreign antigens. Besides these an important component of the gut is the gut microbiota, which together with the host form a composite body. So intimately is the existence of the two entwined, that the microbial community is collectively considered an organ of the host body; and the mammalian genome is referred to as metagenome, i.e. host genome along with the genome of its microbial community (Ley et al., 1647). The number and diversity of microbes residing indigenously in the gut environment is massive comprising of bacteria, protozoans, anaerobic phycomycetes and bacteriophages. Not only are they an integral part of the gut ecosystem, but they also contribute indispensably to the nutritional, physiological and immunological functions of the gut (Mackie, 13). Though the exact composition of the gut microbiota of different animals cannot be listed with certainty, yet the variations observed are primarily due to the differences in the diet of different animals. ... this, a study of gut microbiology would proceed in three parallel lines, for three classes of microbial consortia; one for each of these gut environments. This paper aims to discuss the functional significance of the microbial population in the gut of herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. Figure 1 Mammalian Gut Figure 2: Mammalian Gut Lining II. Role of Gut Microbiota in Herbivores: Herbivores derive their nutrition from plant components; hence it is imperative to possess the ability to digest plant cell wall. However, the cellulose component of plant cell wall makes it difficult to disintegrate. Herbivores therefore, during the course of evolution have acquired adaptations that enable them to disintegrate and assimilate this otherwise indigestible material (Karasov and Carey, 364). The herbivore mammalian foregut or hindgut is divided into chambers where fermentation of the food intake is carried out with help of microbial inhabitants of the gut. These chambers are known as rumen an d the animals as ruminants. Due to exclusively plant based diet of herbivore, the role of gut microbe in herbivore gut assumes immense significance, the gut microbiota being imperative for digestion process in herbivores. This justifies an exclusive discussion of ruminant gut microbiota. Evolution of gut microbiota: Evolution of the digestive system of mammals to enable utilization of complex plant material proceeds parallel with the evolution of their gut microbiota. The ubiquitous microbes on one hand were easily able to colonize the mammals in general, but further evolutionary pattern was dependent on the diet of the host they inhabited. Thus the microbial population of the mammalian host coevolved with the evolving host digestive system. In herbivores as the gut became longer and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Family Related Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family Related Issues - Assignment Example Department of Labor, 2010). Logically, if a loco parentis is a suitably related person to the employee to qualify for care under the FMLA, then a biological father, regardless of the quality or quantity of his parenting, qualifies. Legally, the law designates â€Å"biological† parent, but that brings up an interesting dilemma: what about a biological parent who gave up his/her child for adoption? In recent years, many adopted children have found their biological parents, or vice versa. Does the parent who relinquished his/her rights as the child’s parent qualify as a parent under the FMLA? Taking the law literally, s/he does because s/he is the biological parent. However, a judge may not interpret the spirit of the law in that way. The caveat for such tenuous relationships between employee and parent is the fact that the employee must document his/her relationship with the parent before taking family leave. In the same paragraph of the FMLA that defines the relationship s eligible for family leave, section j, titled â€Å"Documenting relationships,† it says, â€Å"For purposes of confirmation of family relationship, the employer may require the employee giving notice of the need for leave to provide reasonable documentation or statement of family relationship. This documentation may take the form of a simple statement from the employee, or a child's birth certificate, a court document,  etc.  The employer is entitled to examine documentation such as a birth certificate,  etc.† (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010). It seems as if the employer could demand some sort of unrealistic documentation of the eligibility of parent or employee to qualify for the family leave especially if time was an issue (i.e., the parent was dying), so if an employer wanted to prevent an employee from taking family leave, s/he could be in compliance with the law, but just unreasonable about the proof of the right to do so. That would probably discourage mos t employees from attempting to take family leave. 2. Explain whether the size of the business can have any effect on whether Tony is eligible for family leave under the FMLA.   The size of a business does matter. In the video, â€Å"Family Related Issues: Family and Medical Leave Act,† in response to Tony, the employee’s verbal request for leave, Herman, the boss, replies, â€Å"That's out of the question. This is a small business. Everyone is crucial.†Ã‚  Tony answers, â€Å"Small? You've got more than fifty employees, if you count everyone.† Herman counters with â€Å"Not full-time employees.† In Herman’s mind allowing Tony three weeks for family leave would cause him to lose money. He has just praised Tony for being the top salesman (Family and Medical Leave Act, 2004). However, Herman is wrong. Not all employers are required by federal law to allow family leave, but those with 50 or more employees are. Paragraph 825.105 of the FMLA giv es a lengthy description of how an employer, by virtue of the number of employees s/he employs, must comply with the federal law. Some of the more obvious characteristics that make an employer obliged to comply is the location of his/her business. That is, it must be within the United States or

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Social Determinants Of Health Health And Social Care Essay

The Social Determinants Of Health Health And Social Care Essay We will look at the effects this communicable disease has on the wellbeing and health of individuals infected and their family members. You will see regional, national and global issues, we will be able to identify the causes of HIV and look at what steps have been put into place to help reduce and prevent levels of HIV cases. There are encouraging signs that show changes in the epidemiological direction of this maturing pandemic. Background I met my client through a friend whose father had died from Aids. For the purpose of confidentiality I will follow the Nursing and Midwifery Council code of conduct (NMC, 2008) I will not use my clients real name and will refer to them as Mavis. I will discuss how HIV had an effect on Mavis and how this disease changed her life. When I first met Mavis she was aged 43 but her story started when she was aged 29. Mavis was a young South African women, she was happily married with one daughter. Mavis and her husband were both successful in business, this job took her husband away from home quite a lot; he would travel to various locations across Europe and Asia. Tragically in December 2002 Maviss husband was killed in a car crash, at this stage Mavis was not aware how her life would change drastically. It was arranged for Mavis to marry her deceased husbands brother, she explained to me that her family suggested this was best for her and her daughter financially, Mavis was shocked and appalled, she did not want this marriage to go ahead. Mavis fled her native Botswana and arrived at an Airport within the United Kingdom in January 2003, immediately Mavis was stopped by immigration control, Emotions were running high for Mavis throughout the day, how she could return after fleeing, what could she say; what would happen to her. At around 4pm that day Mavis collapsed and was taken to hospital were a series of tests were taken, she was later diagnosed with suffering from Tuberculosis. After two weeks of being on medication more tests were taken, at this point her life would change forever. Mavis was later tested and diagnosed with HIV which stands for: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Weller, 2009) which affects the human being; the virus attacks and terminates the immune system. Viruses such as HIV are unable to grow or reproduce on their own. The virus targets the immune system and weakens the defence system, they need to infect cells that belong to a living organism which allows them to copy themselves and pass out into tissue fluid and blood and infect other host cells, the disease then spreads though the body. HIV has affinity cells that contain a protein called CD4 in their membranes. These cells are known as T- lymphocytes. Once these cells are infected their number is reduced which causes T-cells to be suppressed affecting immunity (Ross. Wilson, 1990). HIV can be passed on immediately after becoming infected, symptoms vary depending on the stage of the infection, many people are most infectious in the first few months of contracting the virus, and at this stage many infected individuals are unaware that they have HIV. In the first few weeks after the initial infection individuals do not experience any symptoms but some may experience flu-like symptoms and possibly develop a rash, The only way for an individual to find out if they are infected with the virus is for them to be tested (Bupa, 2010). Mavis cried out, how this could be, I was a good faithful wife, the only explanation for her contracting HIV was from her husband, but she could not ask him for answers as he was now deceased. Doctors explained to Mavis what drugs were available and that this would be for life, they suggested a combination she should try, Maviss immune system became resistant to the first combination; doctors then put her on a second combination which she also became resistant to. With the third combination Mavis suffered serious side effects and was eventually put on a fourth combination. Social determinants of health and well being Stigma associated with HIV/AIDS is a worldwide issue and can have a huge impact on the social determinants of the individuals health through prejudice, abuse, maltreatment and negative attitudes directed at people living with HIV and AIDS they may receive poor treatment in healthcare and education settings, be shunned by family, peers and the local community (Avert, 2013), individuals are afraid to see a doctor or seek treatment leading it to be a silent killer, the fear of stigma allows the epidemic the ability to devastate societies around the world (,2008). Individuals with HIV can experience stigma and discrimination In healthcare settings such as receiving access to facilities, HIV testing, and a lack of confidentiality and most detrimental being refused medication. This can often be fuelled by ignorance of HIV transmission routes (Nelson, 2012). Everyone is entitled to a fair and respectful treatment of healthcare, treating someone less favourably because they have HIV it is illegal this is identified in 2010 Equality Act (, 2010). In South Africa HIV is known as AIDS, this is down to lack of education with this virus, this region carries the greatest burden of the epidemic. The World Health Organization claims that advanced stages of HIV is AIDS, once an individuals immune system has broken down it progresses to AIDS; AIDS is the later stages of HIV. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; progressing from HIV to AIDS can take between 10 and 15 years to develop (WHO, 2011). In 2010 1.8 million people died globally from AIDS the figures were 1.5 million adults and 250,000 children (Avert, 2011) however; this is all dependant on the social determinants of health Lifestyle, gender, sexuality, income, age and employment can affect an individuals health, someone who is undernourished will progress from HIV to AIDS quicker than someone with a healthier lifestyle. Currently the highest levels of individuals affected are black African migrants, Section 21 (1) (a) of the 1948 National Assistance Act required Local Authorities to provide support and accommodation to those who are in need of care and attention (,2013), but in 2009 the House Of Lords changed this ruling, if individuals do not need care and attention they are not entitled to extra support to qualify for the entitlement you need to meet certain criteria: such as requiring supervision when going outdoors, help with domestic chores and administering medication (, 2009) Effectively this will cause issues for the individuals diagnosed with HIV leading to poverty, unemployment and further health complications. Trends in illness and disease and epidemiology HIV is amongst the worlds leading infectious killer which has claimed around 25 million lives over the last three decades. USAID states that since the pandemic began more than 60 million people have been infected with HIV (USAID, 2011). In countries such as, Africa, HIV rates are significantly high. In the Republic of South Africa around 11 per cent of the population are HIV positive (Delvin, 2010), the magnitude of this pandemic is shocking. Although the global prevalence of people infected with HIV is stabilising the actual percentage of people living with the virus is increasing yearly. At the end of 2010 33.3 million people were estimated to be living with HIV worldwide this represents a 27% increase over the last decade when rates were 26.2 million individuals. (Avert, 2011). Globally the number of new infections has been decreasing over the last few years, this is due to developments in treatment and testing of the virus especially in developing countries as testing and treatment is becoming more of a reality, nevertheless there are still parts of the world were new diagnoses are increasing (WHO, 2011), progressively more people are living with HIV. These numbers have risen in every region of the world over the last 10 years displaying a decrease in mortality rates. In 2010, 91,500 people were living with HIV in the UK, thirty years after the start of the epidemic, according to the Health Protection Agency at least 21,000 people were unaware that they had the infection. It is predicted that over 100,000 people will be living with the infection by 2012 (HPA, 2011). Globally 34 million individuals were living with HIV, 3.4 million were children and 13.3 million were men the highest rate at 16.8 million was women. Diagnosis of heterosexual individuals in 2010 was reported at 37% (190) cases and these individuals stated they had acquired HIV through sexual intercourse. Out of the 190 people, 44 stated that they had become infected in the UK (23%) and 66 (34%) said they contracted the virus in Africa. (THT, 2011). Homosexual diagnosis in the UK in 2010 was 244 cases which were acquired through men having sex with men, 176 stated that they had become infected in the UK. In the North West in 2010 People aged 30-34 were the most common age group to be d iagnosed with virus. (THT, 2011) In the UK homosexual men who have sexual intercourse with other men are the highest risk group for contracting the virus the second group most affected is those that have migrated from regions such as sub Saharan Africa, 1.3 million People died in Africa from HIV in 2009. This is a decrease of 17% since 2004; this is due to better access to treatments. In Eastern Europe and central Asia HIV prevalence currently has the largest regional increase. Overall the epidemic in these regions continues to rise. The highest rate of cases is amongst adults, globally, the rate of adults living with HIV is 0.8% (WHO, 2011). In 2010 there were 6,660 individuals diagnosed with HIV in the UK. According to the Terrance Higgins Trust at least 680 people died in the UK from HIV in 2010; however these figures are well below the peak year of 1995 when figures reached to 1,723. Dr Valarie Delpech a consultant epidemiologist stated that HIV can be treated and that early diagnosis can lead to longer life expectancy (WHO, 2011). Figures of people contracting HIV in the UK now exceed those of people who contracted it abroad. In the UK at least 43% of people diagnosed with HIV live in south, this figure was previously higher, the biggest increase in the last 10 years occurred in the East of England, the West Midlands and the North East. The HIV virus is growing in North West England, the region population is approximately 6.9 million people according to Online Statistics (ONS, 2011). In the US and Europe there are currently more than 20 antiretroviral drugs which are approved for the treatment of HIV infection, there are also many new HIV drugs undergoing trials. (Avert, 2011). Access to antiretroviral treatment in some parts of the world is still limited due to a lack of funding, antiretroviral drugs keep the levels of HIV low in the body, this allows the immune system to recover and work more effectively. Antiretroviral drugs allow HIV positive people to live a healthy life and increases life expectancy. The drugs provided need to be taken daily, individuals who are infected will need to take the drugs for the rest of their lives. Avert (2011) suggests that individuals should Adhere to HIV treatment as it is highly important for their health and wellbeing; if individuals do not follow the guidance given they increase the chances of the drug becoming resistant (Avert, 2011). Structure and functioning of health and social care systems and teams NHS Primary Care trusts (PCTs) currently have a responsibility for HIV healthcare, according to the Department of Health; PCTs will be abolished in April 2013 (DH, 2012). Once the PCTs are abolished these will be replaced by locally clinically led commissioning groups (CCGs) and will be overseen by a new national NHS commissioning board. The local government will commission HIV prevention and sexual health promotion,STI testing and treatment, sexual health services including HIV testing, community contraception and family planning and the NHS commission will run HIV prevention campaigns and take care of HIV treatment and care (Kelaart, 2012). The latest report from WHO, UNICEF AND UNAIDS in November 2011, suggests that sustaining investment in HIV/AIDS over a longer period will have global benefits and progress will be made with prevention and treatment of the virus the report indicates that there was a 15% reduction of new infections over the past decade and a 22% decline in aids related deaths in the last five years due to better access of services. Gottfried Hirnschall, Director of the World Health Organizations HIV Department believes it is now very possible to get ahead of the epidemic, he states the level of momentum we are at has taken the world ten years to achieve (WHO, 2011). Globally there is improved access to HIV testing and counselling. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) helps to improve the health and wellbeing of infected individuals; however there is still work which needs to be done. Many countries are already showing a substantial level of efficiency in managing HIV programmes; such as South Africa who reduced their drugs costs by at least 50%, this was achieved by an initiative that was implemented by WHO and UNAIDS in 2010 which launched; Cheaper, simpler and easier HIV treatment and diagnostic tools. They intend to Develop new guidance on the use of Antiretroviral drugs for prevention and treatment, Use a range of different approaches to reduce the risk of infection. An improvement of womens rights and ensure adequate access to contraception will all be vital in tackling the female HIV epidemic. (WHO, 2011). The contribution of the health care professional to the provision of health and social care A report produced by the Health Protection Agency (HPA, 2011) called for a universal testing on HIV after it identified that one in five people who visited an STI clinic did not accept a HIV test, the HPA want to ensure that no one leaves the STI clinic without being tested. The HPA ask that in areas where the virus has a high prevalence patients registering new with GPs and entering Hospitals should be tested using the universal testing this would help with late diagnosis and ensure that patients receive the treatment and care they require (HPA, 2011). Public Health Minister Anne Milton announced that over the next three years there will be an  £8 million investment to help build on previous work by the Terrence Higgins Trust and Family Planning Association (FPA) (DH, 2012), this investment is aimed to drive down HIV infections and help improve peoples sexual health. HIV prevention is vital, This investment will be split between Terrance Higgins trust who will receive  £6.7 million to continue their campaign and work on HIV prevention which saves lives and money, social determinants of health can be addressed, national campaigns for gay men and African communities can have a vital impact and access to HIV testing can be expanded and the FPA will receive  £1.13 million which will be used to reach the public and health workers through there specialist comprehensive sexual health information service. Conclusion Most sexually transmitted infections can be avoided by practicing safer sex (e.g. using a condom); also by having fewer sexual partners will help lower the risk of infection. HIV can have a huge impact on patients who live with this virus, there are many factors that affect the patients quality of life; not only their physical health, it also affects mental health and social wellbeing. The label HIV can influence the way others act towards the infected individual. HIV is included in the Equality Act 2010, this Act protects people living with HIV against discrimination in employment, education and housing as well as access to services and goods (, 2012). Contracting a sexually transmitted infection has a large psychological, physical and social impact on infected individuals and their families; this can be down to discrimination and stigma especially towards adolescents, drug users, homosexuals and asylum seekers. This can cause problems when it comes to prevention and treatment. In low and middle income countries at least half of the infected people are still unable to access ART; this is down to lack of information and education and the fact that many of these individuals are unaware that they even have the HIV virus.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ethical Journalism During the Vietnam War Essay -- Vietnam War Essays

Ethical Journalism During the Vietnam War During the Vietnam War, a rift between government officials and journalists emerged. The American government felt the need, for various reasons, to censor many war developments. In an attempt to act ethically, the press fought the censors, trying their hardest to report the truth to the general public. Despite claims of bias and distortion by several prominent government officials, these journalists acted completely ethically, allowing the general public to obtain a fair, informed opinion. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) provides a very clear and thorough Code of Ethics, which serves as a good definition of ethical journalism. According to this code, an ethical journalist must try to minimize any potential harm done to people directly involved with the event being reported. Such a journalist should also act independently of any personal biases, and be responsive to any criticism of their work. Finally, a truly ethical journalist must seek to find and report the truth (Society). Common sense reaffirms these guidelines. When one thinks of ethical behavior, one usually thinks along terms of being truthful, appreciative of others, acting responsively and using fair judgement. All of these concepts are explicitly stated in the SPJ's Code of Ethics. Minimizing harm done by journalism in times of war is a difficult task. Naturally, there are bits of information that the government needs to keep secret for one reason or another. There is also the danger of victims' stories being exploited and sensationalized. The SPJ's Code of Ethics recommends that journalists should "treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings worthy of respect" (Society). During the extreme... ...t 29, 1968: 71. Hallin, Daniel C. The Uncensored War. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Janson, Donald. "Police Assault on 21 Newsmen in Chicago Are Denounced by Officials and Papers." New York Times August 28, 1968: 36. Kenworthy, E W. "Agnew Says TV Networks are Distorting the News." New York Times November 14, 1969: 1-2. Kifner, John. "On the Road to Chicago With Some Protestors." New York Times August 23, 1968: 22. Mitchell, Michael C. "Television and The Vietnam War." Naval War College Review 37.3 (1989): 42-52. Nixon, Richard. No More Vietnams. New York: Arbor House, 1985. Roberts, Steven V. "McCarthy Group Seeks to Put Antiwar Candidate on Ballot." New York Times August 22, 1968: 1. "The Parties Respond." New York Times March 17, 1968: E12. "Violence of Police Decried by Callers." New York Times August 29, 1968: 21.