Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cómo preparar entrevista remoción condiciones greencard

La entrevista para la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la tarjeta de residencia es un requisito fundamental para convertir en definitiva la green card provisional del cà ³nyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense. Cabe destacar que dicha entrevista solo es necesaria en aquellos casos en los que el migrante recibià ³ la tarjeta de residencia con carà ¡cter condicional porque se le aprobà ³ cuando llevaba casado con el ciudadano americano menos de 2 aà ±os.   Esta residencia tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de CR-1. En otras palabras, esto quiere decir que si los cà ³nyuges ya llevaban 2 aà ±os de casados cuando el esposo/o extranjero recibià ³ la residencia, dicha green card fue ya definitiva y no es necesario hacer este trà ¡mite. Entrevista remocià ³n condiciones de green card Solo los cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos estadounidenses que recibieron su green card antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casados deben solicitar la remocià ³n de condiciones para convertir su tarjeta de residencia en definitiva.La entrevista a los cà ³nyuges por parte de un oficial migratorio es una pieza fundamental en el proceso de remocià ³n de dichas condiciones. La finalidad es convencer al oficial de que se trata de un matrimonio real y no de uno de conveniencia por los papeles.Si la pareja ya se ha divorciado o se ha separado las opciones para que el cà ³nyuge extranjero obtenga la green card definitiva se reducen notablemente, pero hay algunas posibilidades.  ¿Cà ³mo se inicia la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la green card? Debe solicitarse la remocià ³n de las condiciones 90 dà ­as antes de que expire la green card condicional, que tiene fecha de expiracià ³n de dos aà ±os a contar desde la fecha de su aprobacià ³n. Para ello el trà ¡mite se inicia completando la planilla I-751. Durante este proceso una de las piezas fundamentales es la entrevista ante un oficial migratorio y a la que deben acudir ambos cà ³nyuges.  ¿Quà © se puede hacer si la fecha de la cita para la entrevista resulta inconveniente? En determinadas circunstancias, Inmigracià ³n puede admitir un cambio en la fecha. Estas son las reglas sobre cà ³mo solicitarlo si no se puede acudir a la cita con el USCIS.  ¿Cuà ¡nto dura la entrevista para la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio? La entrevista por parte de un oficial de inmigracià ³n al matrimonio formado por un ciudadano/a americano/a y su esposo o mujer extranjero dura, de media, de diez a quince minutos. Se debe responder de manera concisa a las preguntas. Es altamente recomendable no hablar de asuntos sobre los que no se ha preguntado, entre otras cosas, para evitar problemas por hablar en exceso. Si el oficial  de inmigracià ³n necesita una aclaracià ³n o mà ¡s datos, asà ­ lo dirà ¡.  ¿Hay algà ºn tipo de preguntas està ¡ndar para la entrevista para la green card por matrimonio? En realidad, no existe un listado de preguntas està ¡ndar, aunque siempre se pregunta por la fecha de la à ºltima entrada a Estados Unidos por parte del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Asimismo, son tà ­picas las preguntas sobre dà ³nde se conocieron, el nombre de los hermanos de ambos y ciertas cosas personales, sin entrar en la intimidad de la pareja ni tampoco asuntos rebuscados. Tambià ©n pueden preguntar sobre el hogar familiar, las familias respectivas, etc. Este es un ejemplo de 65 preguntas que pueden hacer en la entrevista, pero el oficial migratorio puede preguntar cualquier cosa que estime pertinente y que le sirva para determinar si se trata de un matrimonio de buena fe.  ¿Quà © documentacià ³n debe llevarse a la entrevista? Para ingresar al edificio donde tendrà ¡ lugar la entrevista es necesario llevar un I.D. oficial emitido por el gobierno. En el caso del ciudadano estadounidense puede ser la licencia de manejar, pasaporte, identificacià ³n militar, etc. En el caso del cà ³nyuge extranjero se admite su pasaporte, aunque està © expirado. Ademà ¡s, es necesario llevar el original de toda la documentacià ³n de la que se envià ³ fotocopia cuando se realizà ³ la aplicacià ³n. El fin es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n pueda comparar el original con la copia. Asimismo, debe llevarse original y fotocopia)de documentos que no existà ­an en el momento en el que se envià ³ la solicitud de tarjeta de residencia para el cà ³nyuge extranjero. Por ejemplo, ya que se trata de un matrimonio, puede suceder que hayan sido padres de un nià ±o o una nià ±a despuà ©s de la solicitud. Entonces debe llevarse copia oficial del acta de nacimiento y fotocopia de la misma. Tambià ©n deben llevarse al dà ­a la documentacià ³n sobre pago de impuestos, ingresos, etc. Asimismo, llevar fotocopias en color de las fotografà ­as de la pareja colocadas en grupos de dos o tres en una misma hoja, seà ±alando los nombres de los que aparecen en las mismas, fecha en la que fueron tomadas y lugar. Es muy recomendable que alguna de ellas tenga como objeto reuniones familiares. Se puede llevar el à ¡lbum de bodas, pero no hay que fotocopiarlo.  ¿Quà © puede suceder tras la entrevista? Es posible que se notifique justo despuà ©s de la entrevista que ha tenido lugar la remocià ³n de ls condiciones, pero es mà ¡s comà ºn es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n decida notificar por correo. Tambià ©n puede ocurrir que se solicite mà ¡s documentacià ³n. En este caso entregarà ¡ a la pareja una hoja con el listado de documentos que faltan y el plazo mà ¡ximo para enviarlos. Para evitar problemas es recomendable enviarlos por correo certificado en la que quede constancia de la fecha. Y por supuesto que el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede negar la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia porque cree que puede tratarse de un fraude, en otras palabras, un matrimonio falso para conseguir los papeles. En este caso, puede haber consecuencias legales, ademà ¡s de no obtener la green card.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando la pareja se separa antes de la entrevista? Por razones varias, el matrimonio puede separarse o divorciarse antes de que la tarjeta de residencia se convierta en definitiva. En la mayorà ­a de los casos eso significarà ¡ que el migrante se quedarà ¡ sin la tarjeta de residencia y deberà ¡ abandonar Estados Unidos a menos que cuenta con otra cobertura legal que le permita mantener un estatus migratorio legal en el paà ­s. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que en determinadas ocasiones hay opciones para el cà ³nyuge extranjero para que pueda obtener una tarjeta de residencia definitiva. a pesar del divorcio, si se cumplen una serie de requisitos. A tener en cuenta: ventajas e inconvenientes de matrimonio con ciudadano Los cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos americanos pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n a los tres aà ±os de convertirse en residentes permanentes. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con el resto de los inmigrantes, que deben esperar cinco aà ±os. Por otro lado, casarse con un estadounidense no garantiza ni parar un procedimiento de deportacià ³n ni que se pueda sacar  la green card. La situacià ³n es complicada en los casos en los que el cà ³nyuge extranjero ingresà ³ a EE.UU. cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. Tambià ©n tienen un problema serio los migrantes que han sido condenados por alguna felonà ­a. En estos casos, lo recomendable es asesorarse con un buen abogado migratorio y ver si se podrà ­a calificar para un perdà ³n provisional o, si no es posible, cuà ¡les son las posibles opciones. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Developing A Learning Tool Help A Student Learn Maths

U08096 Interim Report 29th November 2016 Henry Moule 13017539 Supervisor – Samia Kamal Developing a learning tool to encourage education in a stem subject Introduction The aim for this project as has been mentioned is to develop a learning tool to encourage education in a stem subject, I narrowed this down to developing a game that would help a student learn maths specifically. Since then I have narrowed this further and have specified that this would be for around the academic year 7 so around the age of 11 but would still be appropriate for 10 or 12 year olds. To achieve this aim the objectives will be for one to train in game development as well doing research to help establish the game mechanics or gamification elements wanted in the game. Research Literature review: A Practitioner’s Guide to Gamification of Education Hsin-Yuan Huang, W. and Soman, D. (2013). A Practitioner’s Guide to Gamification of Education. Research Report Series. As with a lot of articles on the subject of gamification this paper states that â€Å"the intent of this report is to define gamification, deconstruct the process of gamifying a learning a learning program, explore the limitations, and review successful implementations of gamification†. In section 2 â€Å"What is Gamification† the paper gives the example of gamification in action, it talks about an initiative put forward by Volkswagen where a staircase was put in the Odenplan sub-way in Stockholm which would play a musicalShow MoreRelatedUsing Technology As An Instructional Tool1424 Words   |  6 Pageschild does not learn the way I teach, I must teach the way he/she learns,† Jacquie McTaggart used in her title of a book written for teachers by a teacher. A quote in which every teacher should value. It is easy to force a student to listen, but it is not easy to force a student to understand. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chiquita Banana Overview Essay Example For Students

Chiquita Banana Overview Essay Chiquita Brands International. Inc. is one of the most of import international sellers and distributers of nutrient merchandises derived from bananas. every bit good as other fruits and healthy bite merchandises. Chiquita Banana grosss for about $ 3 billion dollars a twelvemonth and employs more than 21. 000 people and operates in approximately 70 states worldwide. Chiquita Banana together with Dole. Del Monte and Fyffes control about 80 % of the planetary banana market. In 1993 the EU created the Common Organization of the Market in Bananas ( COMB ) to cover with the rough competition between these companies. They would let responsibility free entree to the EU but capable to quotas to bananas from the Africa’s. Caribbean and Pacific. while bananas from Latin America were capable to an import revenue enhancement of 176 Euros per ton and a quota of 2533 t. As an American company we have decided to take advantage of the new pact curtailing Latin American and ACP states from expo rting bananas to the EU. It will non be an easy undertaking because we still have to vie against European banana manufacturers. but we are an established company and we are determined to profit from this event and addition market portion in the European Union. PESTEL analysis for the European Union POLITICAL:†¢The European Union is composed of 28 member provinces.†¢The EU has created a individual market by standardising Torahs within the member provinces.†¢Some of the aims of making this brotherhood is to make a better flow on the circulation of goods. capital. people and services within the brotherhood. Once a good or service is accepted within the brotherhood it is protected from imposts. revenue enhancements and import quotas every bit long as they remain within the brotherhood.†¢Free motion of capital is intended to let investing of belongingss between states. something that could assist banana agriculturists since they can look for more fertile land in neighbouring states.†¢The pecuniary policy is the Eurozone and is governed by the European Central Bank. ECONOMIC:†¢The European Union’s GDP is ranked as figure one in the universe accounting for $ 16. 58 trillion dollars.†¢Export goods account for $ 1. 687 trillion. some of the chief export spouses of the European brotherhood are: oUS 17. 3 % China 8. 5 %Switzerland 7. 9 %Russia 7. 3 %Turkey 4. 5 %†¢Food. drinks and baccy history for 5. 9 %†¢Import of goods account for $ 2. 302 trillion dollars and the chief import spouses are:China 16. 2 %Russia 11. 9 %US 11. 5 %Switzerland 5. 8 %Norway 5. 6 %†¢Food. drinks and baccy history for 5. 2 % of import goods.†¢The service sector is the most of import one in the EU doing up 69 % of the GDP followed by the fabrication industry with 28. 4 % GDP and agribusiness for merely 2. 3 % of GDP†¢The agricultural sector is supported by subsidies from the EU and presently represents 40-50 % of the EU’s entire disbursement. Sociocultural Factors:†¢There is limited informations on European children’s fruit consumption. but the information shows that the mean fruit consumption is about 141 g per twenty-four hours. Fruit consumption is highest in Austria and Portugal and is the lowest in Iceland and Spain.†¢Girls and adult females consume more fruits and veggies and male childs and work forces do. there is no simple account to this but it’s believed to be because adult females in general are more concerned about their weight and maintaining a slender fit figure.†¢Children tend to eat less fruit as they age. but it’s the exact opposite with grownups. Intake degrees addition with age. perchance because income and cognition additions and one becomes more cognizant of the benefits of good feeding wonts. †¢Men once they are married have an addition in fruit consumption. Women seem to hold an impact on their husband’s fruit consumption every bit good as the assortm ent of fruits eaten. Womans tend to manage ‘health-related’ issues more normally than work forces so they tend to purchase and cook more nutrient than work forces.†¢Children’s fruit consumption degrees straight correlate with how much their parents devour. But force per unit area to eat fruit does non positively affect children’s intake. but it is enhanced when parents are good role-models and promote them to eat fruits and veggies.†¢People with self-efficacy inclinations have a higher fruit consumption in grownups. besides people with a high self-esteem tend to eat more fruits and veggies because they take their wellness into history. TECHNOLOGICAL: †¢The EU is funding a undertaking for pesticide free fruits and veggies by taking the menace of fruit flies. Helping husbandmans meet customers’ demands for safe fruits while being environmentally witting. oThe undertaking make-believe to utilize an insect attractant to pull insects and pathogens such as: infective microorganisms. virus. fungus that cause diseases in fungus. oThis attractant will be applied in the signifier of an insect trap near plantations to take bugs off from plantations. this will be a durable and biodegradable baiting station. †¢Europe is going more witting about keeping a cleansing agent environment. the EU is committed to supplying a better hereafter for the following coevalss. So they specialize on clean energy. from turbines in Germany to solar panels in Spain. and states across the EU are utilizing natural resources of sustainable energy conveying investing to concerns and citizens. LEGAL:†¢With the birth of the Single European Market in 1993 the Common Market Organization for Bananas was put into consequence ( COMB ) . COMB is concerned on the importing. sale and distribution of bananas. †¢A policy was set in gesture leting EU providers to export responsibility free bananas to all EU provinces. Besides quotas were set for African. Caribbean and Pacific states ( ACP ) enforcing import licences for a fixed rate of volume of bananas. and limited imports through overly high duties. oA quota of 857. 000 dozenss for responsibility free entree from ACP states †¢Three types of licences were issued in order to modulate this quota to ACP states †¢Third states that were non considered in the quota are capable to a duty of Ecu 850 per ton. †¢In order to forestall any loss of income by EU banana manufacturers a compensation of payments for 850. 000 dozenss were granted in instance the monetary values fell below the production costs. ENVIRONMENTAL: †¢Flat-free H2O coursers are common in some states in Europe. This does non promote efficient behaviour to families and agribusiness harmonizing to a study from the European Environment Agency ( EEA ) . †¢The EEA is sing H2O pricing in the undermentioned states: Croatia. England and Waless. France. Germany. Netherlands. Scotland. Serbia. Slovenia and Spain. †¢In most states. husbandmans are allowed to utilize as much H2O as they want for a level rate. By bear downing the sum of H2O used in Europe it prognosticated to cut down on H2O used by agribusiness for about 10 – 20 % . This will force husbandmans to non merely cut down on their H2O ingestion but to put on better irrigation system every bit good as repairing H2O leaks. †¢The general population in the European Union seem to back up this gesture to cut down H2O overexploitation. about 84 % of the population agree with this rule. Paper Persuasive EssayEven though spirit and consistence remain virtually integral. this ocean trip shortens the shelf life to be 7-10 yearss. Portugal would be a strategic point for the company’s internationalisation scheme. A logistics platform could be set up in Porto. a northern metropolis in Portugal. this manner we can kill two birds with one stone. We re-fuel the ships and acquire them cook for their journey to Sweden ( our top precedence in footings of distribution ) and unload some containers to administer Portugal’s banana demand. Aside from Portugal the states with the highest ingestion of bananas per capita is in Northern Europe. so another logistic platform would be convenient as a concluding halt before the concluding finish in each state. Le Havre. France would be a convenient location since it is south of the UK and it is cheaper to hold a distribution centre at that place because the euro is non every bit strong as the sterling lb. Once we have our lo gistics platform set up in Le Havre we can do adjustments and understandings with companies and retail merchants that handle fruits and veggies belonging to the states that have the highest banana ingestion. We would present to the undermentioned terminus or ports: †¢Gothenburg. Sweden†¢Brighton. United kingdom†¢Skagen. Denmark†¢Finland is a little more unaccessible through the Baltic Sea. so we would transport Finland’s required bananas to Gothenburg. Sweden every bit good. From Sweden we could work another logistic path to acquire to Finland by truck.†¢Porto. Portugal †¢Le Havre. FranceOpportunity:Iceland is Europe’s top manufacturer of bananas with their universe of the art nursery installings. even though they rely on their engineering they have to invariably supervise their merchandises and make the proper environment for the bananas. This is where Chiquita banana has an chance since they don’t have to worry about making the right conditions for banana growing. the company looks for a convenient location for banana growing and workss the fruit. This enables the company to worry entirely on cropping and transportation. Another advantage that the company has over the biggest European banana manufacturer is that. Chiquita banana can get bananas in monolithic measures while Iceland’s manufacturers have to make the environment to turn more bananas. This is unless the COMB sets a tighter quota. IncotermAn incoterm is a made up word composed of three words. ‘in’ means international. ‘co’ commercialism and ‘term’ agencies term. Incoterms are used to depict the type of relationship between purchaser and provider and they type of contract they use to present and have a merchandise. POSSIBLE INCOTERMS FOR THE COMPANY As a marketer the most optimum incoterm for the company would be to hold with the purchaser of working with ‘Ex Works’ since the purchaser would hold to presume the transit costs and the hazards of brining the goods to their shops. I believe this to be really one sided and non efficient. since in order to maximise net incomes a concern trade has to be long-run. Sooner or subsequently one of the viing trade names could offer our purchasers a better understanding and we would be out of concern. so I would name this a ‘lose-lose situation’ . Another option would be the exact antonym from ‘Ex works’ where the marketer mantains most of the duties and disbursals while there is minimal for the buyere. This would be a DDP. here the â€Å"seller is responsible for presenting the goods to the named topographic point in the state of the purchaser. and pas all costs in conveying the goods to the finish including import responsibilities and revenue enhancem ents. Seller is non responsible for droping. † this is besides really one sided. My belief is that if we are traveling to hold a long lasting relationship with our concern spouse we have to compromise. and here we would be taking all most of the bourden of the concern trade. Solution As already stated earlier. in order to make a long lasting relationship with our concern spouses and maximise net incomes we have to compromize. Chiquita Banana is seeking to derive marketshare in Europe. so the best thing we can make with our concern spouses is to portion the transit load and costs. Deliverd at Terminal ( DAT ) incoterm would be the best feasible solution for Chiquita and our purchasers. We can assure to present the merchandise fresh. safe and sound to the undermentioned metropolis ports: Gothenburg. Brighton. Skagen. Porto and Le Havre. We can accept all costs and hazards ( except for import clearance costs ) and from each terminus they can direct the bananas to their several distribution centres or straight to the retail merchants. That is up to our concern spouses to make up ones mind. It is safe to state that we are taking most of the costs. since it is expensive to traverse the Atlantic with ships and keep the fruit at a certain temperature to maintain it fresh . But in order to hold our purchasers support. we have to travel the excess stat mi. This scheme at the same clip will rush up the procedure of internationalisation and market portion addition for Chiquita Banana. Plants Cited â€Å"European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Economy of the European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 18Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Economy of the European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Intelligent Approaches to Achieving Pesticide-free Produce. † N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"CHAPTER 3 BANANA IMPORTING COUNTRIES AND TRADE POLICIES. † The World Banana Economy. 1985-2002. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Water: Charging Full Cost Can Promote More Efficient Use. † — . N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Chiquita. com – Chiquita Organic Bananas: Organic Food. † Chiquita. com – Chiquita Organic Bananas: Organic Food. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Europe Largest Banana Importer Worldwide. † Europe Largest Banana Importer Worldwide. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Chiquita. com – Social Responsibility Is How We Conduct Business. † Chiquita. com – Social Responsibility Is How We Conduct Business. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Chiquita Banana Gross saless Remain Weak in Europe. † Chiquita Banana Gross saless Remain Weak in Europe. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Chiquita Brands International. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Banana. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 20 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Martin Stott. † Iceland: Europe’s Biggest Producer of Bananas. N. p. . n. d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. â€Å"Economy of the European Union. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Understanding Hymns Essay Example For Students

Understanding Hymns Essay After viewing the video by Dr. Schmalbach, which dealt with the Theology of the Hymnals, I have come to discover how Hymns play an intricate part in how we as Christians are taught our doctrines in what we sing. The church that my family and I attended sung very little hymnals. Consequently, as a result of this, I have very little knowledge of how important hymnals are in a worship service. Dr. Schmalbach did a wonderful job explaining and defining the importance of Hymnals in a worship services. The one thing that Dr. Schmalbach said in the video that stuck out to me and stained my memory, was when he said, â€Å"Our doctrine or theology is taught and learned through what we sing†. Wow what a mouthful. We will write a custom essay on Understanding Hymns specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I believe that it is very necessary for hymnals to be sung in churches worldwide; especially, if they serve as tools by which we can learn our doctrine and theology. This brings me to the hymn from The Psalter, 1912 which was taken from the book of Psalms 119:33-40 â€Å"Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth†. After studying Psalms 119:33-40 which correlates with this particular Hymn, I have come to relieved the gist and the message of both the Hymn and the Psalm. They both express a magnificent love for the written word of God. I believe that the author realizes how important the word of God is, as it relates to his spiritual maturity. The written Word of God gives us promises, truth, guidance, teaching, reproof, and righteousness. In the Hymn theses very same things are being offered. The author also conveys to us that the Word of God is something that we as Christians can totally rely on especially when we need to be comforted, protected, and guided even in the affaires of life. The bible says, â€Å"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God†. Matt. 4:4 KJV) This is the same message that I received when reading this Hymn. As Christians we should seek after God’s word more than anything else on this earth. The word of God should always have precedence over the life of a believer, and nothing should ever take the place of God’s written word. Grudem said, in his book Systematic Theology â€Å" In fact if there were no written Word of God, we could not gain certainty about God’s will through other means such as conscience, advice from others, an internal witness of the Holy Spirit, changed circumstances, and the use of sanctified reasoning and common sense† (Grudem p. 19) Nonetheless, as we can see God’s word brings certainty and with out it we can never fully know or understand God’s divine will for our lives. In conclusion Horton states, â€Å"all Scripture is God-breathed and therefore useful for norming the church’s faith and practice†. (Horton p. 175) I thank God for blessing humanity with the opportunity to know His written word, which has been inspired by God from the beginning; if we say we love God then we should always be compel to love His Word, for within it is our salvation revealed. â€Å"Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth† The Psalter, 1912 (Taken From Psalms 119-33-40) Teach me Lord your way of truth, and from it I will not depart That I may steadfastly obey; Give me an understanding heart. In your commandments make me walk, for in your law my joy shall be: Give me a heart that loves your will, from discontent and envy free. Turn now my eyes from vanity, and cause me in your ways to tread: .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .postImageUrl , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:hover , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:visited , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:active { border:0!important; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:active , .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032 .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0ca2ce827a64969736f521364691a032:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Musics affect on our brains EssayO let your servant prove your Word, and thus godly fear be led. Turn away my reproach and fear, Your righteous judgments I confess. To know your precepts I desire; revive me in your righteousness.